I've finished rebuilding the other dumb iron. As with the first, I learnt a lot and appreciated the welding experience, but in future I think I'd look to replace the whole thing if I suspected it needed anymore than a local repair or two - and I'm now a better judge of what the job will turn into based on how it looks from the outside..
This one was worse than the first. I replace the main underside, the 'bridge' section that 'holds up' the inner floor, the inner floor, the sides, top, and front, and crush brace. The underside and sides were all double welded from both sides. The bumper fits. The dumb irons are level when the front cross-member is level. Glad to have this complete. I do have a repair on the underside of the first dumb iron to make at some point when I go to the passenger side, but I'm going to carry on with the driver's side now with some bulkhead repairs.. that's another story.
New underisde and sides, welded both sides, replaced back to good metal. |
New bridge welded in under here already, new floor lined up. |
New inner floor welded in. |
Crush brace welded in at bottom, bumper bolt holes drilled, top laid in place. |
All welded and painted inside, top and front welded on. |