Thursday, 23 May 2019

Fuel Pump Rebuild and New Points, Leads, Plugs, Dizzy Cap

I rebuilt the fuel pump with new seals, gauze, diaphragm, and breathers, and refit it with a new gasket on the block. It's got a nice squeak to it now on the prime lever and after putting some fresh petrol in ready for the first start it filled the cleaned up glass bowl no problem. Some dirty fuel came through first from the fuel feed pipe and then the fresh stuff out the brand new tank which looked clean as water. Lovely!

I also fit some new spark plugs and HT leads and a new distributor cap as the contacts in the old one were in a bad state. The inside of the distributor was a bit of a mess too and when I went to set the points I couldn't budge the points set screw as it had been worn off by the PO.

Long story short, I took the whole base plate out and used a screw extractor to get the old set screw out. I then ordered a small set of replacement Lucas 25D distributor screws from a Classic Mini spares place for about £1.50|Back%20to%20search

With the base plate out I could clean it all up properly and fit the new points before refitting it and setting the contact breaker gap correctly.


Extracting the set screw..

Looking better!