There's lots going on, but mostly I'm bolting bits back on because that's the reverse of how Series Land Rovers are put together (Haynes manual joke that, for the uninitiated).
I'm wiring in new front light harnesses, and relays for the headlamps. Banging out dents on the wings, putting together new headlamps, running the engine up to temperature whenever I go out to work on it, fitting a new coolant drain tap - and doing my best to get it to seal.. yes, lots going on.
Once the lights are in, I'll need some tyres as three of the four I have are badly cracked from when it was stood up those years before I bought it.
Then I'll need some insurance.
It wouldn't pass an MOT at this point on some welding I need to do in the passenger footwell, but there's nothing that would stop me from driving it. Hard to believe I'll be driving it down the road soon - bar something unexpected turning up in these 'final' stages.
Enjoying the underside views while it's still all clean! :)
N/S wing propped in place for last checks.. couple of dents I missed there above the headlamp port.. I'll knock those out a touch.