Today I replaced the swivel assembly fixings that I'd ordered replacements for, by 2/2A part number, and found to be too small. The ones I ordered by Series 3 part numbers were the right size and they went on fine today. As I said before, these fixings were strengthened some time during the later 2A years, so my front axle fell in that window.
The next job is to give the suspension an overhaul, and I made a start on that today.
The verdict so far is:
- A cold chisel and angle grinder are very useful tools!
- The front springs just need a refurb, but the rear ones need replacing
- The shock absorbers are not leaking; they offer smooth and firm resistance both ways
- Shackles and spring plates just need cleaning up
- New bushes required all round
- New shackle pins required all round
- New U-bolts required all round
Front NS spring as it came off today; this will get disassembled, cleaned up and oiled: